Sunday, February 10, 2013

Manic Monday #4

Hey there! I'm so glad you are here to join me. We had a lot of great projects linked up last week. Hopefully, we'll have even more this week.

If you are featured today, feel free to grab a featured button.


Now on to the features!

I love fruit dip. I love chocolate. And, I love chocolate covered strawberries. So, what's more perfect than this Choco-licious Strawberry Dip by Jodie Fitz?

 photo chocolicious-strawberry-dip-300x206.jpg

Smart School {House} put together this awesome list of The Best New Fonts.

 photo BestNewFontsVOL2.jpg

Mason Jar foods are the absolute cutest! Check out this Pie in a Jar by Lemon Tree Dwelling.

 photo PieinaJar1.jpg

Homemade lip balm? Umm yes! 4 You With Love made this awesome Peppermint Vanilla Lip Balm, and put it in an Altoids canister!

 photo peppermintvanillalipbalm3.jpg

That's all the features I have today. Now it's time to party!!

  1. You must grab a button. There is a code over on the sidebar. Please help promote this party. The more people who come, the more who see your posts.
  2. Please follow me on either facebooktwitter, or by email. If you are following by email, please let me know. You can see what else I'm on up at the top of the sidebar. 
  3. Please visit other blogs. You're getting traffic from them, so return the favor. 
  4. Do Not link up Etsy shops, whole blogs, or giveaways. Those will be deleted. 
  5. Link your posts. Be sure you use the url to the specific posts.
  6. Have fun and party hard!

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  1. Hi Renea, thanks so much for featuring my Pie in a Jar! Much appreciated! Hope you are enjoying your Sunday night :)
    Cathy @ Lemon Tree Dwelling

  2. Hi there - THANKS for hosting & for featuring my Choco-licious dip :)!!! I added your feature button to that post & your party is on my link up list at my site. Have an AWESOME week...
    ~ Jodie

  3. Thanks for hosting and featuring my lip balm..You have totally made my day! I hope today is a great day!

  4. Thank you so much for hosting!! Have a wonderful week. :)

  5. Thanks for hosting, Renea. I'm linking up my last-minute Tootsie Pop Valentines. Have a great week!


Comments are very appreciated. Thank you so much for taking the time to do so! :) Unfortunately, I can no longer allow Anonymous commenters due to the amount of spam I have been receiving.