Hubby got a new electric smoker for Christmas last year, and ever since then he's been going on and on about what he is gonna smoke next. The problem is, there are only two of us in our household, so he's kind of limited in what he can smoke. Our little freezer won't quit hold every kind of meat imaginable. However, every now and then, I surprise him with something. This week, it was ribs! Oh, and what's better than ribs for the upcoming Labor Day weekend?
I'm here to tell you, with a little time and patience, you too can have awesome smoked ribs!
Remember when I said you needed time? Yeah, you're gonna want to let these marinate over night, so the flavor will soak all the way through.
First step, remove that silver skin. Then, half that rack of ribs so it will fit in your smoker.
Lightly rub the ribs with a mixture of onion salt, pepper, cumin, brown sugar, granulated sugar, and paprika. I'd probably say to use about a teaspoon of the onion salt, brown sugar, and pepper, and half a teaspoon of the other ingredients. You may need to add a little more, but don't overdo it. You don't want the flavor to be too strong. Trust me, this is our second go at this!
Remember, refrigerate these overnight, so the flavor locks in.
Heat the smoker to 225 (F), and you see thick white smoke. We used hickory wood chips, but you can use whatever type of wood chips you like. I'm not a huge fan of cherry wood, but I haven't tried anything else.
After your smoker is heated, place the ribs on the rack (duh right?!) Make sure to check the ribs once an hour until they reach an internal temperature of 175 (F). Remove the ribs, and wrap them in aluminum foil to rest.
Serve and enjoy!
I served up fried corn, rolls, and baked beans to go with the ribs. The baked beans aren't pictured, because I really don't like baked beans. I just make them for Hubby. Also, does anyone else think I need new plates? (I do, *wink* *wink*.)
So, what do you think? Perfect for Labor Day, huh? What are you having?

Perfect Smoked Ribs
Prep Time: Overnight
Cook Time: 4 hours
Keywords: entree ribs American summer fall spring
- 1 tsp onion salt
- 1tsp brown sugar
- 1 tsp pepper
- 1/2 tsp sugar
- 1/2 tsp cumin
- 1/2 tsp paprika
- Hickory wood chips
Remove silver skin, and half the rack of ribs
Rub ingredients mixture evenly onto the ribs
Refrigerate overnight so that the flavors soak in
The next day, heat a smoker until it reaches a temperature of 225 (F), and you see thick white smoke
Check the ribs every hour until they reach an internal temperature of 175 (F)
Remove ribs and wrap in aluminum foil. Let them rest 5 to 10 minutes.
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