Anyways, in celebration of the season, I made an awesome wreath.

Do you want to make your own? Well, you're in luck! I'm going to teach you. You can even change it up a bit.
What you'll need:
1 bandana - or any type of fabric
3 sunflowers - or any type of flower [see, I told you switching it up was easy]
wreath form
straight pins
So, Hubby's mom is a seamstress, and apparently she taught her son a few tricks. My mom doesn't sew at all, so I have absolutely no skills. Hubby taught me something while making this though. You see, I wanted to cut the bandana into strips for the wreath, but I was worried about how straight they would be. Did you know if you cut a small sliver of fabric then tear it, it will always tear straight? I didn't. When Hubby told me, I didn't believe him. He showed me, and it worked! Yay, straight strips of fabric!
After you have all your strips cut, wrap them around the wreath form, and pin them to it with your straight pins.
Cut off any extra.
The last step is the hardest. If your sunflowers came in a bushel, pull them from the stem. Next, push one of your pins through the back of the flower. There should be a leftover stem there, push the pin through that. Then, bend the pin so that the angle fits perfectly with the wreath.
See, that wasn't too hard, was it? This wreath is perfectly simple for Summer. Hang it on your door proudly.
So, what do you think?

Love the idea of using a bandana! And sunflowers are my fave :) Thanks for linking up to Monday Funday!