I don't know if it has been hot where you are, but it has been H-O-T in Alabama. Even with the rain, it's been scorching.
You know what's good for hot? Lemonade.
This lemonade is a little different, though.
Here's what you'll need:
- 6-8 lemons
- water
- sugar
I work two lemons at a time. You'll need to cut them in half.
Next you will need to juice them. I don't have a fancy juicer, because well I don't juice that much. Mine is semi-automatic though.
Like I said, work two lemons at a time. Add 1.25 cups of water in after each couple of lemons. Keep juicing and adding water until you've filled up your pitcher.
Now, this is where it gets different. This lemonade does not have sugar in it. It has sugar around the rim of the glass. Yes, it's exactly like a margarita!
Moisten the rim of the glass with a wet paper now, and pour a bit of sugar onto a piece of wax paper. Now, rub the rim of the glass into the sugar. If you want to get a really good sugar base, pick the sides of the wax paper up to get the sugar to stick further down the glass.
There you have it, fresh squeezed lemonade for your hot summer days.

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