So here's the deal. That picture up there ^, yeah, that's the only picture I have. Usually I take lots of pics. I never want to take chances with not having enough good shots. Today, though, after I snapped that baby, my camera went dead. Worst morning ever. Well, maybe not ever, but you get my drift.
Anyways, while I wish I had more pictures for you, I still had to share this recipe. They turned out quite good. One thing though - what the pic shows is about as much caramel sauce I would use. It's really sweet. I would suggest eating the pancakes with whipped cream, and then drizzling the caramel sauce over that. I wish I had done that, but they were still tasty!
Butterscotch Pancakes + Salted Caramel Sauce

Prep Time: 5-10 min
Cook Time: 20 min
Ingredients (4 pancakes)
- 1 cup of Pancake Batter
- 2/3 cup of water
- 1/8 cup of Butterscotch Chips
- 11 oz pkg of Kraft Caramel Bits
- 1/2 cup of heavy cream
- 1/4 cup of water
- 1-2 pinches of course or sea salt
- 2 tblsp butter
For the Pancakes
Preheat a griddle to 375
In a small bowl, mix together the water and the pancake mix.
Add the butterscotch chips
Spoon the mixture onto the griddle. Each pancake should be about saucer size.
Continue to cook the pancakes until they are a nice golden brown on both sides - about 15-20 minutes.
For the Sauce
In a saucepan, combine cream, water, butter, salt, and caramel bits.
Cook on medium heat, stirring constantly, until all caramel bits are melted.
If the sauce is too thin, you can add more heavy cream, or let it cool. Cooled caramel sauce is thicker than warm. To speed things up, you may place the sauce in the freezer for a few minutes.
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I hope you like them!

This is some seriously yummy looking caramel! Love it, especially with the chips! Great idea! Can't go wrong with the salty sweet combo!
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